APDR News in Brief 7 December 2020


USE THIS ONEFalcon 2000 Albatros for the French Navy: The French Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, announced the upcoming notification of the contract for the “Albatros” Maritime Surveillance and Intervention Aircraft (AVSIMAR) program, which will be based on the Dassault Aviation Falcon 2000LXS. In accordance with the multiyear military spending bill (LPM), the initial order is for seven aircraft, to be delivered from 2025, out of the planned total of 12. The Falcon 2000 Albatros will feature a multifunction radar under the fuselage, a high-performance optronic turret, observation windows, a SAR (Search & Rescue) kit release system and dedicated communication systems. “The Falcon 2000 Albatros is a high-performance aircraft equipped with a mission system and sensors of the latest generation. From the Falcon 20 of the US Coast Guard to the Falcon 2000MSA of the Japanese Coast Guard, as well as the Falcon 200 Gardian and 50M of the French Navy, we have extensive experience in maritime surveillance, in addition to our long experience in maritime patrol with the Atlantique”, said Eric Trappier, chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation. The first Falcon 2000LXS aircraft on which the program will be based will be manufactured in France. The remainder will be produced in India as part of the offset arrangements related to the 2016 Rafale contract. The conversion of the 12 Falcon 2000LXS aircraft into the Albatros configuration will all be carried out in France.

RUAG signs contract for infantry fighting vehicles: RUAG has signed a contract with the Swedish company BAE Systems Hägglunds and secured a comprehensive order as part of the Swiss Army’s extension of use of the armoured infantry fighting vehicles CV9030. The services provided by RUAG include the introduction of measures to extend the use of 186 CV9030 tracked vehicles in four different configurations, as well as other comprehensive services, such as the establishment of a material competence centre. With this program, the aim is to make the armoured infantry fighting vehicles usable until 2040. In particular, assemblies that can no longer be maintained are replaced. In addition, the vehicles are equipped with an active chassis to increase mobility and reduce damage caused by vibrations. The program will begin with the production of two series samples in Sweden and the subsequent production of five pilot series vehicles at RUAG in Thun. After successful testing, the entire fleet will be converted at RUAG, which is expected to continue until 2025.

Elbit Systems awarded E-LynX radio solution deal: Elbit Systems announced that it was awarded a contract to supply the E-LynXTM Software Defined Radio (SDR) solution for the combat battalion level of the Spanish Army. The new radio network for the battalion level is a first step in the Spanish combat radio network modernisation program. The solution to be supplied comprises hundreds of handheld E-LynX SDR systems for dismounted soldiers and vehicular systems that will be installed onboard a range of combat platforms. The contract, which is in an amount that is not material to Elbit Systems, will be performed in cooperation with Telefonica within a period of six-months. The selection of the E-LynX  SDR solution follows competitive technical and field evaluations conducted by the Directorate-General for Armament and Material (DGAM) of the Spanish Ministry of Defense, including a close examination of the capability to implement future waveforms and to comply with strict security standards and anti-jamming requirements. The E-LynX SDR solution that Elbit Systems will provide to the Spanish Army is similar to the solutions that have recently been selected by several other countries, including Switzerland, Sweden and Israel, as the radio solutions for their respective army-wide mobile network modernisation programs.

Bundeswehr orders 31 NH90 helicopters for shipborne operations: The German Bundeswehr has ordered 31 NH90 NFH helicopters, to be known as Sea Tiger, for the German Navy’s shipborne operations. Nathalie Tarnaud-Laude, president of NH90 Helicopter Industries (NHI) and Giorgio Gomma, general manager of the NATO Helicopter Management Agency (NAHEMA), on behalf of the Federal Office for Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support of the German Armed Forces (BAAINBw) signed the contract on 26 November. The helicopters will replace the German Navy’s Sea Lynx Mk88A fleet which entered into service in 1981. The Bundeswehr has already ordered 18 NH90 Sea Lion naval transport helicopters, seven of which have already been delivered. The widespread use of the NH90 TTH by the German Army and the NH90 NFH by the German Navy enables considerable synergies in terms of logistics and training. Naval flight crews and technical staff have already been undergoing basic NH90 training together with Army’s NH90 crews since the introduction of the Sea Lion. Both the Sea Tiger and the Sea Lion are derivatives of the NH90 NFH. The Sea Tiger is based on the Sea Lion configuration, enhanced by mission capabilities and equipment in order to carry out their specific tasks. In addition to reconnaissance and transport, the shipborne Sea Tigers missions include engaging targets above and below the surface. For this purpose, the Sea Tiger is, amongst others, equipped with an active dipping sonar, passive sonar buoys, and weapons (torpedoes and missiles).

Embraer delivers modernised E-99 jet to the Brazilian Air Force: Embraer delivered the first modernised EMB 145 AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning and Control), designated E-99, to the Brazilian Air Force (FAB). Four additional E-99 aircraft will be modernised as part of the contract. The mission systems and related subsystems, including electronic warfare, command and control, electronic countermeasures, and aerial surveillance radar were updated as part of the modernisation process, expanding FAB’s capacity to carry out Flight Control and Alarm missions and Electronic Reconnaissance, among others. The E-99M project is conducted by COPAC with support from Embraer and various international suppliers, such as SAAB, Aeroelectronica International (AELI), and Rohde & Schwarz. In addition to modernisation, the project entails technology transfer agreements that will enable technological advancements for the Brazilian defence industry. Atech, an Embraer Defense and Security company, participates in the development of the command and control system. Six mission planning and analysis stations were also acquired, which will be used for the training and improvement of crews. Built on the successful ERJ 145 regional jet platform, with more than 1,200 units delivered and 30 million flight hours, the FAB E-99 aircraft can detect, track, and identify targets in their patrol area and transmit this information to allied forces. The aircraft can also perform airspace management, fighter positioning and interception control, signals intelligence, and surveillance missions.

Kaney receives SBIR award for USN sonobuoy power amplifier: The United States Navy has selected Kaney for the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program to apply advanced power amplifier technologies to the next block upgrade of AN-SSQ/125 sonobuoys. Under this effort, Kaney teams in Rockford, IL and Dayton, OH will develop a low distortion Class D power amplifier using high-efficiency, high-power density, wide-bandgap semiconductors. Microprocessor-based distortion reduction algorithms and specialised output filtering will be used to meet distortion requirements. Amplifier design upgrades are required to support a wide range of input voltages, high-bandwidth, high-power, low-distortion and lower volume than the legacy power amplifier. The AN-SSQ/125 Sonobuoys are used by the U.S. Navy for anti-submarine warfare operations. AN/SSQ-125 is air launchable from fixed or rotary-wing aircraft. It is also easily deployable from the deck of a surface vessel. “Our team has unparalleled experience in advanced technology and manufacturing critical military and aerospace products that will be leveraged for this new product development,” said Jeffrey Kaney, Sr., CEO, Kaney.

AORSPO Enterprise achieves ISO certification for asset management: The Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment Ship System Program Office (AORSPO) Enterprise has been accredited with International Standard (ISO) Certification 55001:2014 for Asset Management – Management Systems, becoming the first System Program Office (SPO) to achieve this certification. Rear Admiral Wendy Malcolm, head of Maritime Systems, Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG), Department of Defence presented the ISO Certification on 18 November 2020 during a Clear Lower Deck at the Garden Island Defence Precinct, Sydney. Richard Arthur accepted the certification on behalf of the AORSPO and Koray Faiz, asset manager on behalf of Navantia Australia. ISO 55001:2014 specifies requirements for a proactive lifecycle asset management system within the context of the AORSPO Enterprise. This supports the optimisation of assets and reduces the overall cost and associated risks of ownership to Defence whilst enabling the AORSPO Enterprise to meet the necessary performance and safety requirements. The AORSPO Enterprise is a collaboration between the AORSPO, Navy and Navantia Australia to sustain the Royal Australian Navy’s new Supply Class Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment Ships (AOR) capability. The Royal Australian Navy’s first of class AOR, NUSHIP Supply, is currently undergoing final fit-out in Western Australia ahead of commissioning into service in 2021. NUSHIP Stalwart will transit to Australia in 2021. The AORs will provide operational and logistics support for Australia’s armed forces, and support humanitarian and disaster relief (HADR) operations following a natural disaster

Republic of Mali orders an additional Airbus C295: The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Mali has placed a firm order for an additional Airbus C295 airlifter in the transport configuration. This second aircraft, to be delivered in 2021, will supplement the first C295 already in operation since December 2016 which has already accumulated 1,770 flight hours and transported more than 38,000 passengers and 900 tonnes of cargo in less than four years of operations. This new order also includes an integrated logistics support package with spare parts for the two aircraft and training for flight crews and mechanics. This acquisition is in response to the urgent need of the authorities of the Republic of Mali to have permanent air transport capacity within a very short timeframe, providing a vital link supporting operations and actions for the development of isolated areas in the northern regions of the country. Bernhard Brenner, Head of Marketing and Sales at Airbus Defence and Space, said: “This repeat order demonstrates the excellent capabilities and performance of our aircraft. The C295 is becoming the 21st century standard tactical airlifter in Africa with 37 aircraft ordered in the region, from Algeria, Egypt and Ghana to Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso and Mali.”

Italian Air Force takes delivery of the first HH-139B helicopter: Leonardo announced the recent delivery of the first HH-139B twin engine helicopter to the Italian Air Force, a customised variant of the AW139 platform, from its facility based in Vergiate. The aircraft is the first of 17 HH-139Bs and deliveries are expected to be completed by 2021, in order to further strengthen the multirole capabilities of the Italian Air Force as an essential enabler to support emergency response and security requirements across the nation. The helicopter will be operated by the Italian Air Force’s 15th Wing which is in charge for search and rescue (SAR) duties and supports the national community in case of disaster relief operations. The HH-139Bs will perform a range of missions including SAR, fire-fighting, Slow Mover Intercept, and join an existing fleet of 13 multirole HH-139As and four VH-139As, the latter are used for government transport missions. Compared to the HH-139A, the 7-tonne HH-139B variant features, among others, new electro-optics, new radar, a new rescue hoist and a mission console in the cabin. Core avionics will feature Phase 8 software release allowing even more advanced and safer all-weather navigation and mission capabilities. In order to ensure the greatest level of responsiveness and effectiveness, an extended coverage area will be ensured by distributing the helicopters in several bases. Each aircraft can be quickly reconfigured from SAR to MEDEVAC or fire-fighting. In Italy, the AW139 has also been selected by Italy’s Guardia di Finanza, State Police, Coast Guard, National Fire Corps and Carabinieri, in addition to several emergency medical service operators. This latest Italian Air Force’s programme brings the total number of AW139s chosen by all of these Italian government operators to nearly 80, covering a wide scope of public utility roles including law enforcement and homeland security, patrol, special operations and anti-terrorism, SAR, fire-fighting, command and control, government/VVIP transport, disaster relief and training.


For Editorial Inquiries Contact:
Editor Kym Bergmann at kym.bergmann@venturamedia.net

For Advertising Inquiries Contact:
Director of Sales Graham Joss at graham.joss@venturamedia.net


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